We are a community of people who love exploring and discussing products in various entertainment mediums to provide unique perspectives on development, design, social connection, and final results. The Horizon was formed because we love the idea of community. We believe that great design is beautiful. We know development takes hard work. But most of all we think thoughts and ideas are meant to be shared.


If you like what you are seeing, tell us so we can keep creating similar content. On the other hand, if you want to see something different, feel free to suggest something new for us to try! We would love some suggestions!
Please feel free to comment on videos or reviews. We can’t improve without your feedback. We love good content, so check back often and please don’t be afraid to give us your input. If you have any questions involving the site, movies, music, games, peripherals, or us, head over to the “contact us” tab and send us a message.


Andrew Reale "Midia" Produces some FANTASTIC music. We thank him for allowing us to use his tracks. We would also thank you for checking him out on his soundcloud.
You can also go look at his youtube channel where he does some pretty sick drum covers